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What is the private currency system?

It is a tested way for a business to continue buying and selling beyond what is possible in the economies of traditional currencies, which governments back. It equips any company or individual to market with their currency (due bills) and, essentially, become their banker in the alternative economy. When a business issues its currency into the marketplace, it expands the total money supply for its products and services. It does this by monetizing certain products and services it offers for its trade dollar certificates. The total amount of buying power at a company’s front door is increased dollar-for-dollar by the private currency the company has issued to make purchases. 

What are private currency certificates?

These are payment instruments issued by a business or an individual to buy goods and services in place of using government-backed money, essentially a company’s due bills issued to increase sales and purchasing. Personal currency certificates are trade dollar certificates preprinted in elective denominations, containing the terms of use, or they can be “checks” filled out at the time of purchase. The use of trade dollars dates back to the 19th century and is in use today by some of America’s leading companies. The Walt Disney Company, for example, has its “Disney Dollars.”

What is an Alternative currency?

This is a broad term to include any currency placed in use by businesses or individuals for specific and limited use and is alternative to and not to be confused with national legal currencies, such as the U.S. Dollar.

What is a personal currency (or private trade dollars) (or due-bills)?

These are paper certificates or cards (not coinage) issued by a business or business professional to make purchases and are redeemable for specified products by the issuer. An example might be “Disney Dollars©,” issued by The Walt Disney Co for many years. Personal currency is used interchangeably with “private trade dollars,” “personal trade dollars,” “trade due-bills,” and “commercial due bills.”

Why use private currency?

Most businesses and professionals function below capacity. They have assets in time, space, or products that too often fade in value or vanish entirely, such as an unused motel room or a business professional’s unused time. Trade dollars provide a reasonable way for any business or business professional to reduce this type of loss. 

Why trade? Why not just use regular money?

People need more things than the available cash allows, yet they are able (and willing) to produce more than they are selling. Generally, less than half of people’s ability to produce is utilized, and less than half of people’s needs and desires for products and services are being fulfilled because there will never be enough dollars, euros, yen, etc., to bridge this gap. Personal currency trade dollars can bridge some of this gap and be a significant financial asset for companies who install the system and pursue its possibilities for bringing “Plus-Business.” 

How do I keep this from interfering with my cash business?

When trade certificates are issued (i.e., paid in a purchase), the redemption terms are specified as time, availability, sales tax, etc. A restaurant, for example, might have a big Friday night cash business and exclude trade certificates from that night. Nothing in private currency use is designed to interfere with cash flow. On the contrary, as users will discover, trading, directly and indirectly, helps increase cash flow. 

What assets, products and/or services can I purchase using my private currency?

You can buy real estate, cars, boats, aircraft, business services, household items, etc. You can buy virtually anything using your private currency apart from government services, taxes, and utilities.

What is the cost to set up private currency trading at my business?

Remarkably little. Here is what you might need to get underway: 1) copies of the various forms in the “Forms Section” at a few cents per copy; 2) a ream or two of perforated paper stock; 3) a few hours customizing private currency certificates with PhotoShop or other graphic programs; 4) printing the certificates on your copy machine or at a copy service for a few cents per sheet.

What does using a private currency system offer a small company?

Small and medium-sized companies can set up their in-house trading section the way Fortune 500 companies do and, with this private currency system, can be equipped with the strategies and tools for success. There are no clubs to join, no third-party involvement (except in cases where the services of a trade broker are utilized), and no significant drain on cash resources.

Who should be buying with their own private currency?

Most businesses and many individuals would benefit. Most service companies and professionals especially have a pressing need for “Plus-Business” as they are faced with inventory assets in time that disappears when the sun goes down. The use of private currency allows any business to tap into an extra business that is available, perhaps only through the alternative economy.

Would this work for someone without a business?

Certainly, many people will already have things (or could obtain items) that could be used as backing for their private currency. Others, without anything, locate products (or services) that they can buy at a low wholesale cost and offer these for trade at “regular retail prices.” Trade represents an opportunity for almost everyone to enhance their business. A trade dollar is a smart tool, especially in a dragging economy. 

Is the use of private currency completely legal?

100%. They are due bills issued by a business to make purchases. Virtually every major retail chain now issues and uses “scrip” in the following forms: gift cards, prepaid cards, gift certificates, vouchers, reward points, airline frequent flyer miles, loyalty points, land scrip, company scrip, phone cards, trade certificates, trading stamps, token coins such as subway tokens, IOUs, arcade tokens, tickets, points on some credit cards, or “points” on some websites or discount coupons. The above scrips are the private money (currency) that private companies printed. Private currency is issued directly by a business and spent and redeemed at that business. These scrips, however, could change hands any number of times before being presented for redemption. But those are the companies’ trade dollars. 

You could also issue your currency, and it’s 100% legal.

Is income derived from using an alternative currency taxable?

Generally, most all forms of income have some tax implications regardless of the form or character of the income. The private currency program is not a tax-avoidance way of doing business. Please, contact your accountant for tax advice. 

How long might I continue using the private currency?

Indefinitely. Managing a trade economy makes you something of your own banker. Every effort should be made to strengthen the image and value of one’s trade dollars as they can be a source of pride to your company, with others anxious to do trade business with you. As your trade dollars achieve a more outstanding reputation, they will bring greater purchasing power, increasing your cash.

What kind of products do people buy with private currency trade?

Virtually all products and services are traded using private currency. Of course, certain things are not tradable (taxes and utilities, for example).

Is this like a trade club?

Not at all. The private currency system is not a club and is far more than what we commonly think of as trade. People use their traditional currency or dollars and euros, etc., to make purchases. They endeavor to use their own private money, which monetizes their products and services, similarly to traditional currency.

What is the starting point to determine if I need a private currency?

As a first step, analyze your business products and services and try to find losses (everybody has them). Determine the extent of certain inventories that may be lost at day’s end (usually found in space and time assets); then look at areas of your business that may be under-performing; then look at your wholesale purchasing power. Any or all these areas can have significant potential for your business.

What do you mean by “vanishing inventories”?

Most people have or are linked to vanishing inventories of some type but have suffered them so long they may no longer see them. A motel, for example, maybe tickled pink to maintain a seventy percent occupancy rate and fail to appreciate that they may have $500,000 a year simply disappearing night after night. Some of that $500,000 may be converted to advertising and other things the motel needs in the private currency system. Virtually all professionals have substantial vanishing inventories that disappear when the sun goes down. In trade, many things are perfectly marketable that have been bypassed in the cash economy.

What are other examples of vanishing inventories?

New digital technologies have revolutionized manufacturing and many service trades. Their capacity to handle more business has been dramatically expanded, resulting in ever-increasing vanishing inventories. With its vast opportunities for advertising, the Internet has created perhaps the greatest of all vanishing inventories. More traditional examples of those with vanishing inventories include unleased space in a warehouse; service crews available to do more jobs if there were customers available; a professional with office time not billed out; a school with room for more students; a bus or plane with empty seats; a restaurant with empty tables in the dinner hour; a theater with empty seats at show time; a limousine with no passengers in primetime; unused print, radio or TV ad time. Vanishing inventories of time and space are so common we rarely take note anymore and fail to see their gargantuan potential.

What do you mean by “Plus-Business”?

Buying and selling with trade is generally looked on as “Plus-Business.” That is a sale or purchase that would not otherwise have occurred in the cash market. In considering the value of “Plus-Business,” one should, in most cases, forget about fixed overhead, as that cost occurs whether or not you do a trade transaction.

How does wholesale purchasing power relate to using private currency?

Using private currency results in “Plus-Business” and is profitable for most companies because their spread between wholesale and regular retail can be substantial. For example, some companies would likely be unable to trade successfully because they have so little spread. However, when needed business purchases are made with private currency in place of cash, any company can justify trading because the trade value becomes reflected in the company’s bottom line as cash.

Is private currency valuable in good economic times as well as during bad times?

Its use is for any economic climate

Can I use trade dollars to buy family or personal things?

When you own the business, this is easily done. Some users of private currency give substantial amounts to their spouses to negotiate for services and other things needed at the house.

What is a Trade Proposal Form?

This is one of several forms in this private currency system to make trading easy and efficient when using trade dollars. A trade proposal form is used to propose a trade to one or any number of prospects to accept your private currency as the method of payment. The form generally explains the nature of the proposal to the recipient while the person proposing the trade enters the details as to who the sender is, what the sender wants, and offers. This form can then be faxed, emailed, or hand-delivered to one or many prospects. This is an efficient way to find trading partners.

How do I determine how many trade dollars to print?

The private currency system forms are available to help guide you in determining (1) what you have that could be marketed with private currency; (2) what products and services you can expect to obtain through trading; and (3) what your trade purchasing power is (i.e., What is the actual cost to you of what you trade?). When you pay with trade dollars, you buy at your wholesale purchasing power or less; when you pay with cash, you do so at a price that equates to your retail price, and often there is a vast difference. Equipped with this information, it should be easy to determine how much trading money you should print and in what denominations. For some, this might be no more than $500,000 for use during the upcoming year, while others might need $100,000,000. The typical user will be somewhere in between.

How can one be sure that the trade dollars issued by others will be honored?

A personal currency certificate is a signed due bill and should be enforceable as a legal obligation to be honored as specified on the certificate. Almost any legitimate business would do anything to avoid soiling its reputation by reneging on such a clear obligation as its issue of money.

Would my private currency certificates be a secure way to do business?

Yes, it is, in fact, very secure. Every private currency certificate should be signed or stamped and is at some point returned to the person or business that issued it for redemption by the holder who can verify its authenticity. This process makes private currency very secure, perhaps more secure than a bank check which goes to the bank and not to the issuer for approval and redemption.

How do I customize private currency?

You should find the process relatively simple. See section — “Customizing Your Trade Dollar Certificates” — for full instructions with examples, and this may be all some will require to begin a program in alternative private currency. However, all forms, including a selection of currency certificates, can be downloaded as templates on our website: 

Who is a trade broker?

They are an independent agent who represents businesses and individuals in developing a private currency economy and negotiates personal currency trades on behalf of clients for a fee.

Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Please email us at 24/7.

Who becomes a trade broker?

The most likely candidates are people with a sales, management, or entrepreneurial background seeking a business opportunity. However, certain existing businesses may find trade brokerage a valuable new product to add to their existing operations. No tests or examinations are normally required.

How secure is my information?

The security of your business and personal information is of the utmost importance to us. We adhere to industry-standard security protocol, including appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to protect the information submitted to us.
We only collect and store the data required to facilitate your transactions successfully. We may share your information with our third-party service providers and partners, but only to assist us with our business operations and to provide our services.

Can a business do this without a trade broker?

Yes. While some companies choose to do everything themselves, others welcome the opportunity to obtain a broker’s services. The broker works on the client’s behalf, seeks and finds things that will save the business cash, and deliver something they want. The broker gets a commission only when they have fulfilled their wish. Clients can do as much or as little of the trading activity as they choose. The broker can be like a new department manager at the business. Only they are not on the payroll and usually will provide their own office space.

What is private currency or trade dollars (credit) used for?

Cost control, cash flow management, financial leverage, capital release, financing for growth… Private currency or trade dollars are the bedrock of business, the greatest global and local trade facilitator from supermarket shelves to shipyards.
If you’re on the receiving end, it’s like having an unsecured, interest-free loan to buy the goods and materials you need. This puts assets in your hands that your business can use to generate income – with no drain on your working capital and a lot less pressure on your cash flow.
Some businesses couldn’t exist without trade credit. Construction, shop-fitting, retail… Imagine paying for everything right away, all that cash tied up until the money comes in from your customers.

Can I convert private currency to cash?


How do trade brokers assist their clients?

These brokers are people who have educated themselves in the use of private currency and put this knowledge to work on behalf of clients. Brokers help clients pinpoint under-performing or vanishing resources and use these assets to make purchases for clients. They are often on call 24/7 to take things the client has and exchange them for something the client needs and wants.

Can I have a partner in my brokerage?

Yes, of course. Trade brokerages are often partnerships. Keep in mind that this is a plan for someone to create a career for themselves as a trade broker. All details of such a business can and should be molded to the new broker’s needs.

How much can a trade broker earn?

A seven-figure income should be the target for most who become brokers with a determination to work hard and succeed. Experienced brokers, in addition to moving inventories, also have income opportunities in training others to be brokers. Also, brokers can derive additional income from trade auctions held every month or more often if the size of the population permits. Generally, commissions from clients will be 10-15% in cash upon completing transactions on behalf of clients. Sometimes a transaction will bring cash commissions from both parties to the trade. Brokers keep all their trading commissions, auction income, and training fees while paying their operating expenses.


Your scrip derives its value from your inventory because it is backed by your promise to render specified goods and services to the bearer at some future date. Since your scrip is supported by your inventories of time, space, or product, you don’t make any promises you aren’t prepared to keep. Anything that can be sold can be turned into scrip and used to create instant purchasing power! Any vanishing inventory can be turned into scrip and used to create instant purchasing power! If you don’t have any products to use in backing your private currency, you can use your vanishing inventory of time or other company’s products. And you don’t have to have a product or service of your own to make this work.


No, you don’t have to join the WTE membership to use the private currency system. The price for the private currency system is stated on this web page 


Go to the private currency system web page and scroll down to the bottom of the page to fill out the application form. The price for the private currency system is stated on this web page